Friday, October 23, 2020

Possible Topics for 2020 O'level 4047 Additional Math Paper 2

 Here are the possible topics to be tested for AMath paper 2 on 26th October

1. Sketch of quadratic functions and Discriminant

2. Surds --> can be real world context or finding unknowns like a, b --> rationalisation of denominator

3. Binomial theorem --> specific term formula, expansion formula, nCr formula

4. Sketching of power functions, parabola, log graphs, exponential graphs, question involving find another straight line equation to be drawn

5. Logarithm equations and simplifying involving log laws

6. Coordinate Geometry --> midpoint formula, m1m2 =-1, length formula, area formula, find equation of line and simultaneous equation, gradient Involving angle. 

7. Linear Law - plotting of graph, and/or non-graph question finding m and c, solving unknown.

8. Trigonometry graphs, proving involving double angle, R-formula, Trigo in real world context

9. Differentiation: tangent and normal, rate of change, chain rule or product rule of x functions, ln, functions, trigo functions

10. Integration: reverse of differentiation, finding equation of curve, evaluation of definite integral, x function,1/f(x) functions 

11. Simultaneous eqn -- can be problem sum


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